16. December 2022

Deutsche Bahn trust Nokia X20 smartphone and Nokia T20 tablet

Deutsche Bahn AG is Germany’s national railway transportation and public infrastructure company....
4. February 2022

Docobo bringing a new era to remote patient monitoring

Docobo is a UK headquartered digital health company that provides digital tools to its clients to...
28. January 2022

The Isle of Wight Council secures 650 Nokia 5.3 devices

“One of the big differences in working with HMD is they supported us in enrolling using Android’s...
28. January 2022

Accon avm enabling high security level with Nokia devices

Accon avm uses Nokia smartphones for secure FMI enterprise communications
28. January 2022

Wi-Fi Calling on Nokia 4.2 & Nokia 5.1 Plus improves connectivity at in-tech

Monthly security updates from HMD (Human Mobile Devices) deliver secure Wi-Fi calling for...
28. January 2022

Unified endpoint strategy with Nokia devices

Yorkshire Building Society (YBS), one of the largest building societies in the UK, is renewing its...
24. November 2021

Improving classroom air quality with the help of Enable Pro

“We were offered the opportunity to trial HMD Enable Pro before choosing, and the benefits were...
24. November 2021

Effective IoT connectivity management

LumiraDx are the developer and manufacturer of a next generation Point of Care diagnostic Platform...
24. November 2021

Reforming patient data handling with HMD Connect Pro

Vessel Connects is a consultant, procurer, and distributor of premium mobile solutions to global...